SKU: S4 Smart

Shungite Smart Stickers

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Original price was: $59.00.Current price is: $44.95.

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The Shungite Smart Sticker is an amplified version of the S4 Sticker and it available in 2 forms:  adhesive sticker or  laminated.  These are used on electric meters (including “Smart” or “Advanced” meters), fuse boxes (on the box but not the fuses themselves), and/or large electrical or electronic devices.

The sticker version is covered by a clear protective tape.  These are generally recommend for inside use on the outside of the fuse box.  It is recommended to clean the area where the sticker is being applied.

The laminated versions are weatherproof and specifically designed for outside use on any digital utility meter (“Smart meters”).  These can be attached (taped) anywhere on the meter (not over the digital readout :-)).  The laminated version are equally effective to the sticker version.

The natural EMF mitigation characteristics of Shungite are amplified through it’s saturation with colloidal silver.


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Shungite Smart Sticker

Shungite Smart sticker single $ 44.95, Shungite LAMINATED smart sticker $ 44.95

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