Shungite Harmonizing Rods

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Original price was: $82.00.Current price is: $61.50.

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Cylindrical Harmonizers from Polished Shungite & Talkohlorit or Tulikivi (Soapstone)

Mineral harmonizers are an effective device for the correction of energy functionality in recharging and restoring the vitality in the human body. They help to act upon biologically active spots, to withdraw nervous strain and headache, keep vitality, vivacity, and a fresh view on life.

Shungite harmonizers are known as the best shungite items for meditation and spiritual healing. These healing shungite rods help to maintain the balance of energy flows, normalize all the processes in human body and achieve harmony.

First, there is a Yin-harmonizer which should be kept in the left hand. It corresponds to the Yin (Moon), meaning half of the physical body. It’s made from Shungite. Then there’s the Yang – harmonizer which should be kept in the right hand. It corresponds to the Yang, or Sun half of the physical body. It is made of Tulikivi that can produce a high energy effect.


The body position should be sitting in a relaxed pose, with legs uncrossed. Put the hands holding the harmonizers on the knees. It’s recommended you close your eyes, take all distractions from your thoughts and concentrate totally on your senses.

The duration of the procedure is specific. You should start with 3-5 minutes and gradually, the more you do it, expand come to 10-15 minutes.

Should Not Be Used By People With These Health Issues:

  • Acute heart diseases – cardiac infarction
  • Stenocardia attacks
  • Endured insult
  • Neuromental disorders
  • High degree hypertension
  • Acute infectious diseases with high body temperature
  • Pregnancy

Shungite harmonizers not only balance the bio field and activate the Chakras they also have powerful therapeutic effect and improve the functioning of different systems of our body.

People using shungite harmonizers efficiently on a regular basis claim that their overall productivity, learning capacity and concentration have increased. They feel relaxed, safe and comfortable.


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